About College

The People’s Education Society was founded by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in 1945. It was established itself as a reliably authentic milestone in the development of education IN Mumbai, Mahad, Dapoli, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Pandharpur, and Bhudhagaya (Bihar).Its first institution - Siddharth College of Arts & Science - was established in Mumbai in1946. A remarkable attribute of this educational institute is its provision of opportunities and resources to working students to learn while they earn. .....

We Focus On These


Student’s Growth


Good Time Management


Fostering Diversity
and Inclusiveness



Analysis skills


Equip students to
be self driven


Creativity and Originality





70000 + Books, Journals,
Magzines & e-books
70 Yrs + Education Experience
50 +


10000 + Alumni
2 Computer Labs

Chairman's Message

Mr. Ramdas Athvale

The institution believes the most effective way for a nation to prosper is by moulding and guiding its youth. Our belief in the teachings of Dr. Ambedkar has led us to impart knowledge to anyone who comes aboard. The fast and ever-changing world of today needs to be addressed in modern ways. We take pride to have such wonderful teachers who understand what the industry needs today and what it might need tomorrow. Therefore, considerable amount of efforts are made for the betterment of our students’ future. With enormous faith in our faculty, staff and my dear students, ......

Principal's Message

Dr. U. M. Maske

“Dear Parents and Students, a very hearty welcome to Siddharth College of Commerce & Economics. Since its inception in 1953, the institution has strived to provide equal academic opportunities to every student without discrimination of any kind. Today, you, our young students, are very confident, determined and know what you want to do in life quite early. We, as educators, are here for you to guide you to excellence in whichever path you wish to you choose. Our qualified and experienced mentors are here to help to develop yourselves into intellectual, socially responsible people........


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